About HISD

Who Are We and What Do We Do?
Established in 1962, the Huron Intermediate School District is a regional, educational agency that serves students, families, and communities in Huron County. Our direct customers are local school districts and their students and families.
With about 145 employees, we are dedicated to educational leadership, effective programs, and quality services in collaboration with community partners to educate all learners. We take our role in assisting schools and communities very seriously.

This Profile of Services tells of the many ways in which we serve Huron County. Please feel free to contact us at (989) 269-6406 if you have any questions or want to discuss this Profile of Services.

Bad Axe Public Schools
Caseville Public School
Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port Laker Schools
Harbor Beach Community School District
North Huron School
Owendale-Gagetown Area School District
Ubly Community Schools
Adams School
Big Burning School
Church School
Eccles School
Verona Mills School
HISD operates the
Huron Learning Center
Huron Area Technical Center
Also serving the
Parochial Schools of Huron County
- Curriculum consultation in all subjects
- Support Multi-tiered System of Supports
- Teacher consulting in math, literacy, science, and instructional technology
- CKLA Pilot support - new K-5 core reading program
- Assessment Supports, including collection and analysis of screening, diagnostic, formative assessment options and state data analysis
- Professional Development-100-200 high-quality training events each year based on educator surveys
- Provide professional development in local schools
- School Improvement and Accreditation support
- Thumb Area STEAM Showcase student and community event
- Instruction to students such as IVD, Mother Nature's Classroom, STEM 6-7-8, VEX and VEX IQ Robotics - Programs, StarLab, 3-D Prinitng, Drones, Ozobots, Laser Cutting and Engraving
- Certification assistance for teachers/administrators
- K-8 Rural Districts-support with administrative leadership and evaluations
- Guidance on MDE and Federal mandates including Personal Curriculum, Graduation - - - Requirements/MMC, Title services, and SCECH applications
- Send monthly electronic updates to all educators
- Coordinate countywide Professional Learning
- Truancy-assist administrators, Truancy Officers, and court system to ensure regular school attendance
- Maintain a Professional Library including PLC book sets
- Coordinate College Access Network
- Offer ETS Parapro Testing to meet Highly Qualified guidelines
- Pupil Accounting-audit student counts, document attendance
- Coordinate tri-county New Teacher Academy and MI-STEM Network
- Share English Learner requirements and supports
- Community Outreach such as parenting classes, Family Engineering Nights, Family Exploration Packs for every K-2 student in county, Grade 2 Publishing Contest, and Thumb Area STEAM Showcase event
- Maintain fiber network and Fortigate software for county
- Host Monthly Principal's and Superintendent's Meetings
To assist parents and the community in providing high-quality, early-year experiences and a great start for all children in Huron County, we provide an array of early childhood programs and services to ensure children arrive at the kindergarten door safe, healthy, prepared, and eager to succeed in school. These services are provided at no cost to families and include the following (* indicates eligibility requirements):
Great Start Collaborative-coordinates and improves services so families have the resources they need to have healthy, safe, and happy children who are prepared for school and life success
- Parent Coalition- provides a "customer" perspective and serves as a sounding board for the Great Start Collaborative, helps to carry out the activities of the collaborative and works to increase community awareness about the importance of early childhood
- Partnership with Huron County Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Council-provide evidence-based programs to support the prevention of child abuse and neglect
- Parent education and community education classes-classes held quarterly
- Playgroups-parent child playgroups offered monthly
- Parents As Teachers-home-based parent education and family support services for families who are expecting or with children up to age 8
- Great Start Readiness Program*-preschool for children who are four years of age by September 1 of the current school year
- Project Find-free developmental screenings
- Early On*-teaching and coordination of in-home services such as physical, occupational and speech therapies
- Early Childhood Special Education*-preschool program for special needs children, ages 3 through 6 who qualify for services based on formal evaluation.

Special Education programs and services
of Huron ISD encompass specialized instruction, programs, and services
offered to approximately 700 hundred students identified as eligible for
special education. Based on student need, these programs and services
assist students to gain access to the general curriculum, participate in
transition opportunities, and develop skills necessary for
self-sufficiency. The Huron Learning Center provides specialized
programs for students with the most significant needs who can benefit
from more intensive instruction in a center-based setting.
and staff members share in professional development that expands and
enriches the learning environment. Families are connected with
resources and offered opportunities to actively engage in their child's
education. The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) provides direction for
parent's training and fosters communication within local school
Services provided by Huron ISD may include, but are not limited to:
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- School Psychology
- School Social Work/Behavior Support
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Audiology
- Teacher Consultation
- Technical Assistance
- Transition Supports and Coordination
Early On (Birth- 3 Years of Age)
Early On Michigan
offers early intervention services for infants and toddlers, birth to
three years of age, with developmental delay(s) and/or disabilities, and
their families.
Build Up Michigan (3-5 Years of Age)Is the obligation of local schools to refer as early as possible all
- Children
- Youth
- Young adults
With disabilities who may be eligible for special educational services.Our role at Huron ISD is to support this child find mandate.
A variety of other specialists are also available
- School Social Worker
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- School Psychologist
- Teacher Consultant
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) (3-6 Years of Age)
A program for special needs children ages 3-6 who qualify for services based on a formal evaluation.
This may include children with
cognitive impairments
speech and language delays
autism spectrum disorder, early childhood developmentally delayed, and other health impairments.
Cognitive Impairment Programing
Elementary MOCI Program (Generally Range from 6-11 Years of Age)
Offers a non-discrimintive environment for children generally ranging in age from 6 to 11 years of age.
The primary focus is on:Daily academics including
Skills are taught to each student’s level and ability. Another primary focus is on exploring and implementing functional communication systems.
Intermediate MOCI Program (Generally Range from 11-15 Years of Age)
Addresses the needs of individuals generally ranging in age from 11 to 15 years of age. Academics are an important part of this program.
Students work on academic activities that are based on the goals and objectives listed in their IEP.
Students also have the opportunity to work with assistive technology and researched based reading and mathematics programs
Secondary MOCI Program (Generally Range from 15-20 Years of Age)
Offers services for students generally ranging in age from 15 to 20 years of age and begins the transition phase from academics to functional living skills.
This program introduces daily living skills including
Practical applications of mathematics and reading skills.
Transition House/Adult MOCI Program (Generally Range from 20-26 Years of Age)
Provides services for students generally ranging in age from 20 to 26 years of age and provides opportunities for students to work toward their personal level of independence.
The focus is on
Hands-on daily living skills
Job experience
Maintaining functional academics
Community education includes locating and accessing businesses and agencies in the community that are important in the student’s life.
Severe Multiple Impairment (SXI)
The SXI program provides services for students generally ranging in age from 6 to 26 years of age.
The primary focus is on
Helping students become as independent and productive as possible
Students learn:
daily living skills
motor skills
leisure skills
participate in art
receive services from OT & PT.
Since many students are non-verbal, alternate methods of communication are used.
STEPS Program
Is offered through the Huron Intermediate School District. We service local school districts in Huron County. It is a self-contained classroom for secondary students with emotional impairment.
An intense
Short term program
With the goal to teach necessary social skills and transition student back to their local school.
Work Based Learning Program
Work-based learning experiences for students with disabilities are
School-coordinated activities
Which provide opportunities for students to achieve employment related competencies in a workplace environment.
The program is a 1/2 day and is located at the Huron Area Tech Center operated by the Huron ISD.
Program is intended for students in grade 9-12 with an IEP who are on track for either a diploma or a certificate of completion
Activities extend the classroom into the workplace and are related to students’ career interests and program of study.
Work-based learning experiences involve
Assessment of students’ interests, aptitudes, and abilities
Learning about career possibilities.
These experiences can also increase the likelihood of employment and community integration for students with disabilities when they become adults, help to teach 21st century workplace readiness skills, and support national and state initiatives such as Employment First and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs.
The PREP Program is designed to help students successfully enter a CTE program at the Huron Area Tech Center.
1/2 day program located at the Huron Area Tech Center operated by the Huron ISD
Program is intended for students in grade 9-12 with an IEP who are on track for either a diploma or a certificate of completion
Student is interested in enrolling in a Tech Center class in 11th and/or 12th grade.
Students will spend time in each Tech Center program to learn
Gain insight about the various opportunities in each program
Explore various activities related to the CTE program to assist them with making career choices and determining their career path.
The goal of the program is to prepare students with the skills to successfully and independently access a technical center program for further vocational training.

Career/Technical Education Programs and Services
The Huron Area Technical Center's primary focus is providing Career/Technical Education to juniors and seniors from our K-12 districts in the following programs:
Automotive Technology
Construction/Building Technology
Electrical/Wind Energy Technology
Hospitality/Food Services
Power Technology
Architecture, Engineering, Design
Health Sciences
Law Enforcement/Public Safety
Professions in Education
Visual Communications
High school and adult learners receive college credit, state certification, on-the-job training, work-based experiences, and participation in state/national student organizations.
We also offer an alternative education program, adult apprentice training, GED prep and testing, adult CNA, adult enrichment, and EDP development. Hosting Mid-Michigan dual-enrollment, HATC is also the site of community/business partnerships and training.

The Business Services department of the Huron ISD consists of dedicated professionals whose goal is to contribute to the successful education of all students through sound fiscal practices. Staff oversee daily transactions and all financial services including budgeting, financial reporting and analysis, grant processing, cash flow monitoring, external audit planning/preparation, insurance benefits, retirement benefits, payroll processing and reporting, criminal record checks and fingerprinting, and accounts payable and receivable processing.
The Business Services department also provides leadership to our seven local school districts and the five K-8 districts. The Director of Financial Operations meets regularly with local school business managers and HR/PR staff to facilitate collaboration and provide updates on legislative changes which affect school finance.

- Budget development, monitoring, and analysis
- Cash flow monitoring
- Financial reporting and analysis
- Payroll processing and reporting
- Accounts payable processing and reporting
- Cash receipt processing
- Insurance benefits
- External audit planning and preparation
- Retirement benefits
- Negotiations
- Grant processing
Board of Education
Ryan Kramer
Janice Holz
Vice President
Carol Roggenbuck
Executive Secretary
Gary Osminski
Tammy Schave
Dr. Nancy Lubeski
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Nancy Lubeski
Steven Carlson
Director, General Education
Erica Karg
Director, Special Student Services
Lane Walker
Director, Career/Technical Education
Candace Halifax
Director, Financial Operations